Terex Ecotec TDS 820
引擎馬力 | Scania DC13 /440HP 331 kW |
刀軸長度 | 2,000mm |
破碎能力 | 每小時45-55噸 |
可破碎物 | 彈簧床、大型家具、生活垃圾、廢木材、橡膠輪胎 |
採用Scania DC13 440Hp馬力之破碎機,經業界口碑好評推薦,破碎大型家具、生活垃圾及掩埋場垃圾最經典款機型,高效的產品輸出量加上高CP值的保養維護成本,是您在市場上選擇歐洲破碎機的最佳首選。歡迎預約參觀實機!
Ecotec’s TDS 820 Slow Speed Shredder features customisable shredding programs that give operators the opportunity to configure the machine to their specific requirements, reduce material wrapping and maximise production. Designed with independently-driven shafts, this double-shaft slow speed shredder is assured to give machine operators excellent performance in even the most challenging of applications.