Terex Ecotec

TDS V20 雙軸中速履帶式細破機

TDS V20 雙軸中速履帶式細破機

  • TDS_V20_01_Small.png
  • ecotec-tds-v20-medium-speed-shredder-working.jpg
  • ecotec-tds-v20-twin-shaft-shredder-working.jpg

中速雙軸破碎機 Medium Speed Shredder 

引擎馬力 Scania DC13 493HP (368kW)
刀軸長度 2,000mm
篩網尺寸 50mm-100mm (可選)
破碎尺寸 40mm-200mm (依篩網尺寸)
機身重量 37000公斤


TDSV20是透過有效產出統一尺寸之破碎機,搭配TDS820雙軸粗破機進行初破碎後,V20能破碎至定制尺寸,最小尺寸為4-5公分,是製造SRF的最佳機器選擇。TDS V20 具有簡易的控制面板和完整的預裝程序系統,非常適合破碎難處理的材料,例如廢木料、生質能、生活和工業廢料。

The Ecotec TDS V20 is a Medium Speed Shredder complete with a twin shaft, sizing screens and a tramp relief system.  Its ability to produce a controlled product size in one pass is of huge benefit to the operator saving both time and fuel.  However the versatility of the TDS V20 means that it can be used as a primary or secondary shredder should the need arise.  With user friendly control interface, complete with pre-installed programs, the TDS V20 is ideal for processing difficult materials such as waste wood, green waste, domestic and industrial waste and is particularly suited to producing SRF.