Terex Ecotec

TTS 620T 篩選機

TTS 620T 篩選機

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引擎馬力 CAT C4.4 – 137HP Stage V | 110HP Tier 4 Final | 131HP Stage IIIA (Constant Speed)
篩桶直徑/長度 2,000mm x 5,500mm
輸出量 每小時50-60噸
破碎尺寸 40mm-200mm (依篩網尺寸)
機身重量 24,000kg


Ecotec 的 TTS 620T 履帶式滾筒篩搭載高效的發動機和液壓驅動系統,結合先進的材料加工控制系統,可提供最大的產量和最佳成本。 它非常適合篩選堆肥、生物質、土壤、礫石和垃圾。簡單又一鍵啟動的操作介面讓運作上輕鬆省事,大大提升運轉效率,同系統操作破碎機和篩選機,整套系統使用方便簡單,無須繁瑣過程。

Ecotec’s TTS 620T Tracked Trommel Screen features a highly efficient engine and hydraulic drive system combined with advanced material processing control system offer maximum production combined with minimum costs. It is ideally suited for screening compost, biomass, soil, gravel & waste.
An intuitive push button control panel allows the operator to easily configure the machine to suit the required application whilst the intelligent feeder control system continually adjusts the feeder speed to optimise screening rates. Special consideration has been given to minimise change out time for the screening drum. The process, which takes a matter of minutes, places the TTS 620T as a market leader. The machine has also been designed to accept a number of other manufacturers screening drums allowing customers to smoothly integrate the TTS 620T into established fleets.

TDS820破碎機+TTS620篩選機 MSW產線實績