Terex Ecotec

TMS 320 渥電流金屬分選器

TMS 320 渥電流金屬分選器

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  • ecotec-tms-320-metal-separator-waste-wood.jpg
  • ecotec-tms-320-metal-separator-static.jpg
  • ecotec-tms-320-metal-separator-campsie.jpg
  • ecotec-metal-separator-tms-320-campsie _1_.jpg


引擎輸出 60 kVa Tier 3A / 60 kVa Tier 3A
重量 19,500 kg
進料帶 6′ 3″ x 7′ 10″ / 1.9m x 2.4m


TMS 320 是移動式金屬分選機的終極產品,為操作人員提供無與倫比的應用靈活性、生產率和可維護性。 高效的鼓形磁鐵和渦流轉子系統與卓越的物料流動相結合,實現精準的物料分離。操作系統方便,無須工具能完成快速設置,為目前市面上領先業界尺寸機動性的最佳金屬分選機。

Ecotec’s TMS 320 Metal Separator offers quick and easy set-up and will be ready to process in minutes with no tools required. An intuitive push button control panel, variable speed drum magnet and eddy current belt, combined with a splitter system that offers accurate real time adjustment, enables the operator to easily configure the machine to suit a wide range of applications including compost, biomass, IBA (Incinerated Bottom Ash) and waste.

Designed to provide operators with unrivalled levels of service access, all conveyors are built to a modular design allowing each one to be removed independently for ease of maintenance. The splitter system can be moved away from the eddy current unit to provide unobstructed access to both the splitter system and eddy current rotor. This innovative feature also enables the TMS 320 to fold within a 3m wide transport width and places it as a market leader.

Being electrically driven the TMS 320 can be powered by either the onboard gen set or using mains electricity supply. This flexibility provides the end user with reduced operating costs, fuel usage, emissions and noise levels. The TMS 320 is available in both tracked and static variants. The tracked unit is fitted with heavy duty crawler tracks and offers excellent site mobility making it a great solution for difficult terrain.